rebello de
blindness and the firefly light
Giefarte, 2018
Rosário Rebello de Andrade’s work follows a persistent plan. Conceived as a long journey, each stage (each slowly matured project; each thoroughly thought-out exhibition) connects with the one preceding it in the same way day and night follow one another. The resulting images can, consequently, be read like genuine pages in a diary. However, these pages keep the dangers of delirium, drift or chance under control, being artfully planned and constructed narratives — actually, they are faux diaries, truthful reflections on days as they should be or should have been. Rosário Rebello de Andrade turns inner experiences into parts of an ideal journey; her pieces are offered to our understanding as guides, maps we can use individually. (...)

Cotton fabric, cut-outs, japanese paper, thread Variable Dimensions

Lightbox painted wood, light, electric wire, oil on copper 17x20,5x15 cm


Graphite, gold leaf and pigment on Fabriano paper 56x76 cm

Graphite on Fabriano paper 56x76 cm

Graphite, gold leaf and pigment on Fabriano paper 56x76 cm

Graphite on Fabriano paper 76x56 cm

Graphite on Fabriano paper 56x76 cm

Graphite and dry pastel on Fabriano paper 76x56 cm

Dry pastel on Arches paper 80x47 cm

Inidian ink and watercoulor on Arches paper 31x41 cm

Graphite and dry pastel on Fabriano paper 56x76 cm

Graphite, pigment, watercoulor, gold leaf on stripes on cotton paper (foldable) 98x80 cm


Graphite, pigment and silverpoint on Fabriano paper 76x56 cm

Grouache, indian ink and pigment on Fabriano paper 76x56 cm

Gouache, Indian ink and watercolour on Fabriano paper 76 x 112 cm

Indiam ink, pigment and gold leaf on Arches paper 57x75 cm