rebello de
"The Alphabeth of the Pirate Islands", 2007
Rosário Rebello de Andrade & Kathrin Feser
Haus zum Falke
The Municipal Library of Würzburg, a town in north Bavaria, is located in the center of the city and is one of the most popular libraries in Germany. It is known for the very rich german rococo style façade.
As a starting point for their intervention - at the same time ironic and poetic - the artists use elements of the façade as well excerpts of the exhisting literature to create a labrintic path that should lead the viewer through the basement of the building.

is also the municipal bibliotheque of Würzburg, Germany, where this intervention take place.

Rosário Rebello de Andrade & Kathrin Feser

Kathrin Feser and RRA

view of the installation, detail

dypthichon, oil on card on board. 31 x 92 cm